Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone-forming tumor that does not turn malignant. The tumor can occur in any bone but usually appears in a person's legs, especially the femur, during childhood or young adulthood.
Orthopaedic oncologists usually obtain X-rays to evaluate patients with bone problems such as a tumor. Surgery is not normally recommended for osteoid osteoma tumors because they can disappear by themselves over time. Physicians recommend the use of nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory, over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen to help manage the pain. If the pain is severe and persistent, then intervention may be warranted.
Surgery may be considered if
- The pain interferes with the patient's daily activities
- The tumor is within the joint
- The tumor will affect the growing bones of a child
- The tumor affects the spine curvature of a child
- The patient develops gastrointestinal problems as a result of pain medications
At Shands at the University of Florida, orthopaedic oncologists use the minimally invasive technique of radio frequency ablation to remove osteoid osteoma tumors. This outpatient procedure is done under anesthesia (regional or general) using a CAT SCAN guidance.
A needle is placed into the lesion and heat is applied with radiofrequency to remove the tumor. The procedure requires an incision and stitches, but activity is typically not restricted following the procedure.
There is a 90 percent success with a single procedure. Osteoid osteoma tumors usually have little or no effect on the overall health of an individual. In most cases, the only adverse effect from this type of tumor is continued pain for the patient.
The Shands at UF difference
Mark Scarborough, MD, C. Parker Gibbs, MD, and Andre Spiguel, MD, have been treating patients who have osteoid osteomas with radiofrequency ablation since the early 1990s. More than 70 patients have been treated with this technique at Shands at the University of Florida.
For more information
For more information about osteoid osteoma tumors and treatment, please call (352) 273-7066.