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Pathology Course

This one week seminar is an immersion experience in basic musculoskeletal pathology, correlated with radiographic and imaging staging techniques, histologic diagnosis, and principles of treatment covering the gamut of musculoskeletal lesions.

Each day begins with a key presentation followed by a morning session concerning specific subjects taught by case presentation that includes microscopic study of the pertinent histologic slides and interactive computer assisted instruction. Experienced musculoskeletal pathologists and orthopaedic surgeons are available for individual instruction throughout these sessions. Discussion cases are available for study during the session and an interactive discussion between faculty and participants focused on the treatment of the subjects under consideration concludes the session.

During the lengthy noon break, the clinical data and histologic slides on the day's unknown cases are available for participant study.

The afternoon session is a duplicate of the morning session; presentation of case materials, histologic slides, and computer assisted instruction of the subjects under consideration, followed by discussion of the treatment focused discussion cases. The day concludes with an interactive discussion between participants and instructors concerning the diagnosis and management of the day's unknowns.

These seminars have been conducted annually by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine at the University of Florida for over forty-five years. The educational techniques employed have evolved from this experience of interaction with over four thousand residents.

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